[yum-cvs] yum/yum __init__.py,1.275,1.276 depsolve.py,1.109,1.110
James Bowes
jbowes at linux.duke.edu
Sun Feb 4 17:32:56 UTC 2007
Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv21985/yum
Modified Files:
__init__.py depsolve.py
Log Message:
Add anaconda's no-headers depsolver
Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.275
retrieving revision 1.276
diff -u -r1.275 -r1.276
--- __init__.py 4 Feb 2007 17:30:55 -0000 1.275
+++ __init__.py 4 Feb 2007 17:32:54 -0000 1.276
@@ -54,14 +54,14 @@
__version__ = '3.1.0'
-class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
+class YumBase(depsolve.AnacondaDepsolver):
"""This is a primary structure and base class. It houses the objects and
methods needed to perform most things in yum. It is almost an abstract
class in that you will need to add your own class above it for most
real use."""
def __init__(self):
- depsolve.Depsolve.__init__(self)
+ depsolve.AnacondaDepsolver.__init__(self)
self.tsInfo = None
self.rpmdb = None
self.up = None
Index: depsolve.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum/depsolve.py,v
retrieving revision 1.109
retrieving revision 1.110
diff -u -r1.109 -r1.110
--- depsolve.py 21 Jan 2007 20:14:59 -0000 1.109
+++ depsolve.py 4 Feb 2007 17:32:54 -0000 1.110
@@ -746,3 +746,142 @@
msg = '%s conflicts with %s' % (name, conf)
return CheckDeps, conflicts
+class AnacondaDepsolver(Depsolve):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Depsolve.__init__(self)
+ self.deps = {}
+ self.path = []
+ self.loops = []
+ def isPackageInstalled(self, pkgname):
+ # FIXME: this sucks. we should probably suck it into yum proper
+ # but it'll need a bit of cleanup first.
+ installed = False
+ if self.rpmdb.installed(name = pkgname):
+ installed = True
+ lst = self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name = pkgname)
+ for txmbr in lst:
+ if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+ return True
+ if installed and len(lst) > 0:
+ # if we get here, then it was installed, but it's in the tsInfo
+ # for an erase or obsoleted --> not going to be installed at end
+ return False
+ return installed
+ def _provideToPkg(self, req):
+ best = None
+ (r, f, v) = req
+ satisfiers = []
+ for po in self.whatProvides(r, f, v):
+ # if we already have something installed which does the provide
+ # then that's obviously the one we want to use. this takes
+ # care of the case that we select, eg, kernel-smp and then
+ # have something which requires kernel
+ if self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup):
+ self.deps[req] = po
+ return po
+ if po not in satisfiers:
+ satisfiers.append(po)
+ if satisfiers:
+ best = self.bestPackagesFromList(satisfiers)[0]
+ self.deps[req] = best
+ return best
+ return None
+ def _undoDepInstalls(self):
+ # clean up after ourselves in the case of failures
+ for txmbr in self.tsInfo:
+ if txmbr.isDep:
+ self.tsInfo.remove(txmbr.pkgtup)
+ def prof_resolveDeps(self):
+ fn = "anaconda.prof.0"
+ import hotshot, hotshot.stats
+ prof = hotshot.Profile(fn)
+ rc = prof.runcall(self._resolveDeps)
+ prof.close()
+ print "done running depcheck"
+ stats = hotshot.stats.load(fn)
+ stats.strip_dirs()
+ stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls')
+ stats.print_stats(20)
+ return rc
+ def resolveDeps(self):
+ if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.start()
+ unresolved = self.tsInfo.getMembers()
+ while len(unresolved) > 0:
+ if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.tscheck()
+ unresolved = self.tsCheck(unresolved)
+ if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.restartLoop()
+ self.deps = {}
+ self.loops = []
+ self.path = []
+ return (2, ['Success - deps resolved'])
+ def tsCheck(self, tocheck):
+ unresolved = []
+ for txmbr in tocheck:
+ if txmbr.name == "redhat-lsb" and len(tocheck) > 2: # FIXME: this speeds things up a lot
+ unresolved.append(txmbr)
+ continue
+ # FIXME: Not enough args
+ #if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.pkgAdded()
+ if txmbr.output_state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES:
+ continue
+ reqs = txmbr.po.returnPrco('requires')
+ provs = txmbr.po.returnPrco('provides')
+ for req in reqs:
+ if req[0].startswith('rpmlib(') or req[0].startswith('config('):
+ continue
+ if req in provs:
+ continue
+ dep = self.deps.get(req, None)
+ if dep is None:
+ dep = self._provideToPkg(req)
+ if dep is None:
+ self.verbose_logger.warning("Unresolvable dependency %s in %s"
+ %(req[0], txmbr.name))
+ continue
+ # Skip filebased requires on self, etc
+ if txmbr.name == dep.name:
+ continue
+# FIXME: Yum doesn't need this, right?
+# if (dep.name, txmbr.name) in whiteout.whitetup:
+# log.debug("ignoring %s>%s in whiteout" %(dep.name, txmbr.name))
+# continue
+ if self.isPackageInstalled(dep.name):
+ continue
+ if self.tsInfo.exists(dep.pkgtup):
+ pkgs = self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=dep.pkgtup)
+ member = self.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)[0]
+ else:
+ if dep.name != req[0]:
+ self.verbose_logger.info("adding %s for %s, required by %s" %(dep.name, req[0], txmbr.name))
+ member = self.tsInfo.addInstall(dep)
+ unresolved.append(member)
+ #Add relationship
+ found = False
+ for dependspo in txmbr.depends_on:
+ if member.po == dependspo:
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ member.setAsDep(txmbr.po)
+ return unresolved
+ def _transactionDataFactory(self):
+ return SplitMediaTransactionData()
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