[yum-cvs] 2 commits - cli.py yum/__init__.py

James Bowes jbowes at linux.duke.edu
Wed Dec 19 15:37:50 UTC 2007

 cli.py          |   94 ++++----------------------------------------------------
 yum/__init__.py |   90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 54ebb47b90934ced67b2828d94190de076f02731
Merge: 2686d3a... 0e218eb...
Author: James Bowes <jbowes at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Dec 19 10:36:56 2007 -0500

    Merge branch 'localinstall'

commit 0e218eb0d1233c961ebbd9b3c24d8c688f2c11c1
Author: James Bowes <jbowes at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 18 18:21:56 2007 -0500

    Add a method for installing local packages onto YumBase
    This is just the method from cli.py, only taking one path at a time, and
    optionally a package object instead of a path.

diff --git a/cli.py b/cli.py
index 36214d2..07d14f7 100644
--- a/cli.py
+++ b/cli.py
@@ -711,98 +711,20 @@ class YumBaseCli(yum.YumBase, output.YumOutput):
         # append it to self.localPackages
         # check if it can be installed or updated based on nevra versus rpmdb
         # don't import the repos until we absolutely need them for depsolving
-        oldcount = len(self.tsInfo)
         if len(filelist) == 0:
             return 0, ['No Packages Provided']
-        installpkgs = []
-        updatepkgs = []
-        donothingpkgs = []
-        for pkg in filelist:
-            try:
-                po = YumLocalPackage(ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), filename=pkg)
-            except yum.Errors.MiscError:
-                self.logger.critical('Cannot open file: %s. Skipping.', pkg)
-                continue
-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
-                'Examining %s: %s', po.localpath, po)
-            # everything installed that matches the name
-            installedByKey = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name)
-            # go through each package 
-            if len(installedByKey) == 0: # nothing installed by that name
-                if updateonly:
-                    self.logger.warning('Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.', po.name)
-                else:
-                    installpkgs.append(po)
-                continue
-            for installed_pkg in installedByKey:
-                if po.EVR > installed_pkg.EVR: # we're newer - this is an update, pass to them
-                    if installed_pkg.name in self.conf.exactarchlist:
-                        if po.arch == installed_pkg.arch:
-                            updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
-                            continue
-                        else:
-                            donothingpkgs.append(po)
-                            continue
-                    else:
-                        updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
-                        continue
-                elif po.EVR == installed_pkg.EVR:
-                    if po.arch != installed_pkg.arch and (isMultiLibArch(po.arch) or
-                              isMultiLibArch(installed_pkg.arch)):
-                        installpkgs.append(po)
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        donothingpkgs.append(po)
-                        continue
-                else:
-                    donothingpkgs.append(po)
-                    continue
-        # handle excludes for a localinstall
-        toexc = []
-        if len(self.conf.exclude) > 0:
-           exactmatch, matched, unmatched = \
-                   parsePackages(installpkgs + map(lambda x: x[0], updatepkgs),
-                                 self.conf.exclude, casematch=1)
-           toexc = exactmatch + matched
-        for po in installpkgs:
-            if po in toexc:
-               self.verbose_logger.debug('Excluding %s', po)
-               continue
-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
-                'Marking %s to be installed', po.localpath)
-            self.localPackages.append(po)
-            self.install(po=po)
-        for (po, oldpo) in updatepkgs:
-            if po in toexc:
-               self.verbose_logger.debug('Excluding %s', po)
-               continue
-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
-                'Marking %s as an update to %s', po.localpath, oldpo)
-            self.localPackages.append(po)
-            self.tsInfo.addUpdate(po, oldpo)
-        for po in donothingpkgs:
-            self.verbose_logger.log(yum.logginglevels.INFO_2,
-                '%s: does not update installed package.', po.localpath)
+        installing = False
+        for pkg in filelist:
+            txmbrs = self.installLocal(pkg, updateonly)
+            if txmbrs:
+                installing = True
-        if len(self.tsInfo) > oldcount:
+        if installing:
             return 2, ['Package(s) to install']
         return 0, ['Nothing to do']
     def returnPkgLists(self, extcmds):
         """Returns packages lists based on arguments on the cli.returns a 
            GenericHolder instance with the following lists defined:
diff --git a/yum/__init__.py b/yum/__init__.py
index 1f97f66..8ff038d 100644
--- a/yum/__init__.py
+++ b/yum/__init__.py
@@ -2212,6 +2212,96 @@ class YumBase(depsolve.Depsolve):
         return tx_return
+    def installLocal(self, pkg, po=None, updateonly=False):
+        """
+        handles installs/updates of rpms provided on the filesystem in a
+        local dir (ie: not from a repo)
+        Return the added transaction members.
+        @param pkg: a path to an rpm file on disk.
+        @param po: A YumLocalPackage
+        @param updateonly: Whether or not true installs are valid.
+        """
+        # read in the package into a YumLocalPackage Object
+        # append it to self.localPackages
+        # check if it can be installed or updated based on nevra versus rpmdb
+        # don't import the repos until we absolutely need them for depsolving
+        tx_return = []
+        installpkgs = []
+        updatepkgs = []
+        donothingpkgs = []
+        if not po:
+            try:
+                po = YumLocalPackage(ts=self.rpmdb.readOnlyTS(), filename=pkg)
+            except yum.Errors.MiscError:
+                self.logger.critical('Cannot open file: %s. Skipping.', pkg)
+                return tx_return
+            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+                'Examining %s: %s', po.localpath, po)
+        # everything installed that matches the name
+        installedByKey = self.rpmdb.searchNevra(name=po.name)
+        # go through each package
+        if len(installedByKey) == 0: # nothing installed by that name
+            if updateonly:
+                self.logger.warning('Package %s not installed, cannot update it. Run yum install to install it instead.', po.name)
+                return tx_return
+            else:
+                installpkgs.append(po)
+        for installed_pkg in installedByKey:
+            if po.EVR > installed_pkg.EVR: # we're newer - this is an update, pass to them
+                if installed_pkg.name in self.conf.exactarchlist:
+                    if po.arch == installed_pkg.arch:
+                        updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
+                    else:
+                        donothingpkgs.append(po)
+                else:
+                    updatepkgs.append((po, installed_pkg))
+            elif po.EVR == installed_pkg.EVR:
+                if po.arch != installed_pkg.arch and (isMultiLibArch(po.arch) or
+                          isMultiLibArch(installed_pkg.arch)):
+                    installpkgs.append(po)
+                else:
+                    donothingpkgs.append(po)
+            else:
+                donothingpkgs.append(po)
+        # handle excludes for a localinstall
+        toexc = []
+        if len(self.conf.exclude) > 0:
+           exactmatch, matched, unmatched = \
+                   parsePackages(installpkgs + map(lambda x: x[0], updatepkgs),
+                                 self.conf.exclude, casematch=1)
+           toexc = exactmatch + matched
+        if po in toexc:
+           self.verbose_logger.debug('Excluding %s', po)
+           return tx_return
+        for po in installpkgs:
+            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+                'Marking %s to be installed', po.localpath)
+            self.localPackages.append(po)
+            tx_return.extend(self.install(po=po))
+        for (po, oldpo) in updatepkgs:
+            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+                'Marking %s as an update to %s', po.localpath, oldpo)
+            self.localPackages.append(po)
+            self.tsInfo.addUpdate(po, oldpo)
+            tx_return.append(txmbr)
+        for po in donothingpkgs:
+            self.verbose_logger.log(logginglevels.INFO_2,
+                '%s: does not update installed package.', po.localpath)
+        return tx_return
     def _nevra_kwarg_parse(self, kwargs):
         returndict = {}

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