[yum-cvs] 2 commits - yum/packages.py yum/sqlitesack.py

James Antill james at linux.duke.edu
Tue Dec 11 17:01:02 UTC 2007

 yum/packages.py   |   30 ++++++++++--------------------
 yum/sqlitesack.py |   37 +++++++++++++++++++------------------
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 84e26e7cf43716c591ad2139e21f947090c626f9
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 11 12:00:56 2007 -0500

     Make parsePackages() faster, add casematch argument to buildPkgRefDict().

diff --git a/yum/packages.py b/yum/packages.py
index 900d9a1..0a135f9 100644
--- a/yum/packages.py
+++ b/yum/packages.py
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def comparePoEVR(po1, po2):
     (e2, v2, r2) = (po2.epoch, po2.version, po2.release)
     return rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((e1, v1, r1), (e2, v2, r2))
-def buildPkgRefDict(pkgs):
+def buildPkgRefDict(pkgs, casematch=True):
     """take a list of pkg objects and return a dict the contains all the possible
        naming conventions for them eg: for (name,i386,0,1,1)
        dict[name] = (name, i386, 0, 1, 1)
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ def buildPkgRefDict(pkgs):
     pkgdict = {}
     for pkg in pkgs:
         (n, a, e, v, r) = pkg.pkgtup
+        if not casematch:
+            n = n.lower()
         name = n
         nameArch = '%s.%s' % (n, a)
         nameVerRelArch = '%s-%s-%s.%s' % (n, v, r, a)
@@ -79,11 +81,13 @@ def parsePackages(pkgs, usercommands, casematch=0):
        takes an optional casematch option to determine if case should be matched
        exactly. Defaults to not matching."""
-    pkgdict = buildPkgRefDict(pkgs)
+    pkgdict = buildPkgRefDict(pkgs, bool(casematch))
     exactmatch = []
     matched = []
     unmatched = []
     for command in usercommands:
+        if not casematch:
+            command = command.lower()
         if pkgdict.has_key(command):
             del pkgdict[command]
@@ -92,11 +96,10 @@ def parsePackages(pkgs, usercommands, casematch=0):
             # could mean it's not there, could mean it's a wildcard
             if re.match('.*[\*,\[,\],\{,\},\?].*', command):
                 trylist = pkgdict.keys()
+                # command and pkgdict are already lowered if not casematch
+                # so case sensitive is always fine
                 restring = fnmatch.translate(command)
-                if casematch:
-                    regex = re.compile(restring) # case sensitive
-                else:
-                    regex = re.compile(restring, flags=re.I) # case insensitive
+                regex = re.compile(restring)
                 foundit = 0
                 for item in trylist:
                     if regex.match(item):
@@ -108,20 +111,7 @@ def parsePackages(pkgs, usercommands, casematch=0):
-                if casematch:
-                    unmatched.append(command)
-                else:
-                    # look for case insensitively
-                    foundit = 0
-                    for item in pkgdict.keys():
-                        if command.lower() == item.lower():
-                            matched.extend(pkgdict[item])
-                            foundit = 1
-                            continue
-                    # we got nada
-                    if not foundit:
-                        unmatched.append(command)
+                unmatched.append(command)
     matched = misc.unique(matched)
     unmatched = misc.unique(unmatched)
commit c01396a9703efaa8a1716f993112cd337b49231d
Author: James Antill <james at and.org>
Date:   Tue Dec 11 11:25:05 2007 -0500

    Stop rebuilding returnPackages when we don't need to

diff --git a/yum/sqlitesack.py b/yum/sqlitesack.py
index 1e72f92..47f0607 100644
--- a/yum/sqlitesack.py
+++ b/yum/sqlitesack.py
@@ -257,10 +257,9 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
     def buildIndexes(self):
-        # we just need to nuke the indexes first
-        if hasattr(self, 'pkgobjlist'):
-            del self.pkgobjlist
-        self.returnPackages()
+        # We don't need to play with returnPackages() caching as it handles
+        # additions to excludes after the cache is built.
+        pass
     def _checkIndexes(self, failure='error'):
@@ -750,31 +749,33 @@ class YumSqlitePackageSack(yumRepo.YumPackageSack):
         return exactmatch, matched, unmatched
-    def returnPackages(self, repoid=None):
-        """Returns a list of packages, only containing nevra information """
+    def _buildPkgObjList(self, repoid=None):
+        """Builds a list of packages, only containing nevra information. No
+           excludes are done at this stage. """
         returnList = []        
-        if hasattr(self, 'pkgobjlist'):
-            if self.pkgobjlist:
-                for po in self.pkgobjlist:
-                    if self._excluded(po.repo, po.pkgId):
-                        continue
-                    returnList.append(po)
-            return returnList
         for (repo,cache) in self.primarydb.items():
             if (repoid == None or repoid == repo.id):
                 cur = cache.cursor()
                 executeSQL(cur, "select pkgId,name,epoch,version,release,arch from packages")
                 for x in cur:
-                    if self._excluded(repo,x['pkgId']):
-                        continue
         self.pkgobjlist = returnList
+    def returnPackages(self, repoid=None):
+        """Returns a list of packages, only containing nevra information. The
+           packages are processed for excludes. """
+        returnList = []        
+        if not hasattr(self, 'pkgobjlist'):
+            self._buildPkgObjList(repoid)
+        for po in self.pkgobjlist:
+            if self._excluded(po.repo, po.pkgId):
+                continue
+            returnList.append(po)
         return returnList

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