[yum-cvs] yum/misc.py

Seth Vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Fri Dec 7 21:54:13 UTC 2007

 yum/misc.py |   53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 33a13b05dc231fa46f23a25f0c321c3da9934f3b
Author: Seth Vidal <skvidal at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 7 16:53:49 2007 -0500

    add misc.find_unfinished_transactions() - makes it easier to deal with multiple
    unfinished transactions.

diff --git a/yum/misc.py b/yum/misc.py
index 33fe68c..1d3eb11 100644
--- a/yum/misc.py
+++ b/yum/misc.py
@@ -398,34 +398,43 @@ def get_running_kernel_version_release(ts):
     return (None, None)
-def find_ts_remaining(yumlibpath='/var/lib/yum'):
-    """this function takes the path to the yum lib dir (defaults to /var/lib/yum)
-       returns a list of tuples(action, pkgspec) for the unfinished transaction
-       elements. Returns an empty list if none. If there is more than one unfinished
-       transaction it operates only on the most recent one. In  general there shouldn't
-       be more than one but weird things happen.
+def find_unfinished_transactions(yumlibpath='/var/lib/yum'):
+    """returns a list of the timestamps from the filenames of the unfinished 
+       transactions remaining in the yumlibpath specified.
-    to_complete_items = []
+    timestamps = []    
     tsallg = '%s/%s' % (yumlibpath, 'transaction-all*')
     tsdoneg = '%s/%s' % (yumlibpath, 'transaction-done*')
     tsalls = glob.glob(tsallg)
     tsdones = glob.glob(tsdoneg)
-    if len(tsalls) == 0 or len(tsdones) == 0:
-        #print 'no transactions found to fix'
-        return to_complete_items
-    if len(tsalls) > 1 or len(tsdones) > 1:
-         #print "More than one failed transaction, operating on only the most recent"
-         tsalls.sort()
-    tsallpath = tsalls[-1]
-    trans = os.path.basename(tsallpath)
-    timestamp = trans.replace('transaction-all.','')
+    for fn in tsalls:
+        trans = os.path.basename(fn)
+        timestamp = trans.replace('transaction-all.','')
+        timestamps.append(timestamp)
+    timestamps.sort()
+    return timestamps
+def find_ts_remaining(timestamp, yumlibpath='/var/lib/yum',):
+    """this function takes the timestamp of the transaction to look at and 
+       the path to the yum lib dir (defaults to /var/lib/yum)
+       returns a list of tuples(action, pkgspec) for the unfinished transaction
+       elements. Returns an empty list if none.
+    """
+    to_complete_items = []
+    tsallpath = '%s/%s.%s' % (yumlibpath, 'transaction-all', timestamp)    
     tsdonepath = '%s/%s.%s' % (yumlibpath,'transaction-done', timestamp)
     tsdone_items = []
+    if not os.path.exists(tsallpath):
+        # something is wrong, here, probably need to raise _something_
+        return to_complete_items    
     if os.path.exists(tsdonepath):
         tsdone_fo = open(tsdonepath, 'r')
         tsdone_items = tsdone_fo.readlines()
@@ -436,16 +445,16 @@ def find_ts_remaining(yumlibpath='/var/lib/yum'):
     for item in tsdone_items:
-        #print 'cleaning out already run:  %s' % item
+        # this probably shouldn't happen but it's worth catching anyway
+        if item not in tsall_items:
+            continue        
     for item in tsall_items:
         item = item.replace('\n', '')
         if item == '':
         (action, pkgspec) = item.split()
-        #print '%s :: %s' % (action, pkgspec)
         to_complete_items.append((action, pkgspec))
     return to_complete_items

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