[yum-cvs] yum/repomd packageSack.py,1.24,1.25

Seth Vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Sun May 28 04:41:52 UTC 2006

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/repomd
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv4475

Modified Files:
Log Message:

remove XMLPackageSack class b/c:
1. it removes our libxml2 dep
2. nothing uses this class b/c it is slow

Index: packageSack.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/repomd/packageSack.py,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
--- packageSack.py	11 Apr 2006 21:33:14 -0000	1.24
+++ packageSack.py	28 May 2006 04:41:50 -0000	1.25
@@ -12,9 +12,8 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-# Copyright 2003 Duke University
+# Copyright 2006 Duke University
-import libxml2
 from mdErrors import PackageSackError
 import mdUtils
@@ -547,215 +546,6 @@
         return matches
-# packageSack should be a base class
-# two derived classes could be DBPackageSack and XMLPackageSack
-# one for importing this data from the localdb 
-# another from XML metadata files
-class XMLPackageSack(PackageSack):
-    """Derived class from PackageSack to build list from XML metadata file. 
-       Needs the Package Object Class passed to it for the Sack"""
-    def __init__(self, pkgObjectClass):
-        PackageSack.__init__(self)
-        self.repoStatus = {} #[repoid]= [primary, filelist, other] (so you can tell 
-                             #what things have been loaded or not - b/c w/o primary, 
-                             #filelist and other really can't be loaded
-        self.pkgObjectClass = pkgObjectClass                           
-    def addFile(self, repoid, file, callback=None):
-        """takes a repository id and an xml file. It populates whatever it can, 
-           if you try to populate with a filelist or other metadata file 
-           before the primary metadata you'll not like the results"""
-        try:
-            reader = libxml2.newTextReaderFilename(file)
-        except libxml2.treeError:
-            raise PackageSackError, "Invalid or non-existent file: %s" % (file)
-        else:
-            reader.Read()
-            xmlfiletype=reader.Name() # - first node should be the type
-            if xmlfiletype == 'metadata':
-                if not self._checkRepoStatus(repoid, itemcheck='primary'):
-                    self.loadPrimaryMD(reader, repoid, callback)
-            elif xmlfiletype == 'filelists':
-                if not self._checkRepoStatus(repoid, itemcheck='filelists'):
-                    self.loadFileMD(reader, repoid, callback)
-            elif xmlfiletype == 'otherdata':
-                if not self._checkRepoStatus(repoid, itemcheck='other'):
-                    self.loadOtherMD(reader, repoid, callback)
-            else:
-                print 'Error: other unknown root element %s' % xmlfiletype 
-    def _checkRepoStatus(self, repoid, itemcheck='primary'):
-        """return 1 if itemcheck is in repo"""
-        if self.repoStatus.has_key(repoid):
-            if itemcheck in self.repoStatus[repoid]:
-                return 1
-        return 0
-    def __searchID(self, pkgid):
-        """return list of packages based on pkgid"""
-        self._checkIndexes(failure='build')        
-        if self.pkgsByID.has_key(pkgid):
-            return self.pkgsByID[pkgid]
-        else:
-            return []
-    def loadPrimaryMD(self, reader, repoid, callback=None):
-        """load all the data from the primary metadata xml file"""
-        pkgcount = 9999 # big number
-        current = 1
-        if reader.HasAttributes():
-            pkgcount = int(reader.GetAttribute('packages'))
-        ret = reader.Read()
-        while ret:
-            if reader.NodeType() == 14:
-                ret = reader.Read()
-                continue
-            if reader.NodeType() == 1 and reader.Name() == 'package':
-                if reader.HasAttributes():
-                    if reader.GetAttribute('type') == 'rpm':
-                        current+=1
-                        po = self.pkgObjectClass(reader, repoid)
-                        self.addPackage(po)
-            if callback: callback(current, pkgcount, name=repoid)
-            ret = reader.Read()
-            continue
-        # update the repoStatus                
-        if not self.repoStatus.has_key(repoid):
-            self.repoStatus[repoid] = []
-        if not 'primary' in self.repoStatus[repoid]:
-            self.repoStatus[repoid].append('primary')
-    def loadFileMD(self, reader, repoid, callback=None):
-        """load all the filelist metadata from the file"""
-        pkgcount = 9999 # big number
-        current = 1
-        if reader.HasAttributes():
-            pkgcount = int(reader.GetAttribute('packages'))
-        ret = reader.Read()
-        while ret:
-            if reader.NodeType() == 14:
-                ret = reader.Read()
-                continue
-            if reader.NodeType() == 1 and reader.Name() == 'package':
-                if reader.HasAttributes():
-                    pkgid = reader.GetAttribute('pkgid')
-                    pkgs = self.__searchID(pkgid)
-                    pkgmatch = 0
-                    mydepth = reader.Depth()
-                    current+=1
-                    for pkg in pkgs:
-                        if pkg.returnSimple('repoid') == repoid: # check for matching repo
-                            reader.Read()
-                            pkgmatch+=1
-                            while 1:
-                                if reader.NodeType() == 15 and reader.Depth() == mydepth:
-                                    break
-                                elif reader.NodeType() == 14:
-                                    ret = reader.Read()
-                                    continue
-                                elif reader.NodeType() == 1:
-                                    if reader.LocalName() == 'file':
-                                        (ftype, file) = pkg.loadFileEntry(reader)
-                                        #self._addToDictAsList(self.filenames, file, pkg)
-                                ret = reader.Read()
-                                continue        
-                    if pkgmatch < 1:
-                        # FIXME - raise a warning? Emit error? bitch? moan?
-                        pass
-            ret = reader.Read()
-            if callback: callback(current, pkgcount, name=repoid) # give us some pretty output
-            continue
-        # update the repostatus
-        if not 'filelist' in self.repoStatus[repoid]:
-            self.repoStatus[repoid].append('filelist')
-        # we've just added file items - build up the indexes again
-        self.buildIndexes()
-    def loadOtherMD(self, reader, repoid, callback=None):
-        """load the changelog, etc data from the other.xml file"""
-        pkgcount = 9999 # big number
-        current = 1
-        if reader.HasAttributes():
-            pkgcount = int(reader.GetAttribute('packages'))
-        ret = reader.Read()
-        while ret:
-            if reader.NodeType() == 14:
-                ret = reader.Read()
-                continue
-            if reader.NodeType() == 1 and reader.Name() == 'package':
-                current+=1
-                if reader.HasAttributes():
-                    pkgid = reader.GetAttribute('pkgid')
-                    pkgs = self.__searchID(pkgid)
-                    pkgmatch = 0
-                    mydepth = reader.Depth()
-                    #current+=1
-                    for pkg in pkgs:
-                        if pkg.returnSimple('repoid') == repoid: # check for matching repo
-                            reader.Read()
-                            pkgmatch+=1
-                            while 1:
-                                if reader.NodeType() == 15 and reader.Depth() == mydepth:
-                                    break
-                                elif reader.NodeType() == 14:
-                                    ret = reader.Read()                                                        
-                                    continue
-                                elif reader.NodeType() == 1:
-                                    if reader.LocalName() == 'changelog':
-                                        pkg.loadChangeLogEntry(reader)
-                                ret = reader.Read()
-                                continue        
-                    if pkgmatch < 1:
-                        # FIXME - raise a warning? Emit error? bitch? moan?
-                        pass
-            if callback: callback(current, pkgcount, name=repoid)
-            ret = reader.Read()
-            continue
-        if not 'other' in self.repoStatus[repoid]:
-            self.repoStatus[repoid].append('other')
-        # we've just added file items - build up the indexes again
-        self.buildIndexes()
 class ListPackageSack(PackageSack):
     """Derived class from PackageSack to build new Sack from list of
        pkgObjects - like one returned from self.returnNewestByNameArch()

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