[yum-cvs] yum/rpmUtils __init__.py,1.24,1.25

Seth Vidal skvidal at linux.duke.edu
Wed Jun 28 05:19:52 UTC 2006

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/rpmUtils
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv32508/rpmUtils

Modified Files:
Log Message:

make the code, you know, work.
remove old cruft

Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/rpmUtils/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.24
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.24 -r1.25
--- __init__.py	20 Jun 2005 04:19:06 -0000	1.24
+++ __init__.py	28 Jun 2006 05:19:50 -0000	1.25
@@ -14,43 +14,6 @@
 # useful functions
-def getHeadersByKeyword(ts, **kwargs):
-    """return list of headers from the rpmdb matching a keyword
-        ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1')
-    """
-    lst = []
-    # lifted from up2date - way to easy and useful NOT to steal - thanks adrian
-    mi = ts.dbMatch()
-    if kwargs.has_key('epoch'):
-        del(kwargs['epoch']) # epochs don't work here for None/0/'0' reasons
-    keywords = len(kwargs.keys())
-    for hdr in mi:
-        match = 0
-        for keyword in kwargs.keys():
-            if hdr[keyword] == kwargs[keyword]:
-                match += 1
-        if match == keywords:
-            lst.append(hdr)
-    del mi
-    return lst
-def getIndexesByKeyword(ts, **kwargs):
-    """return list of headers Indexes from the rpmdb matching a keyword
-        ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1')
-    """
-    lst = []
-    mi = ts.dbMatch()
-    for keyword in kwargs.keys():
-        mi.pattern(keyword, rpm.RPMMIRE_GLOB, kwargs[keyword])
-    # we really shouldnt be getting multiples here, but what the heck
-    for h in mi:
-        instance = mi.instance()
-        lst.append(instance)
-    del mi
-    return lst
 class RpmDBHolder:
     def __init__(self):
@@ -208,12 +171,34 @@
         return returnlist
+    def getHeadersByKeyword(self, **kwargs):
+        """return list of headers from the rpmdb matching a keyword
+            ex: getHeadersByKeyword(name='foo', version='1', release='1')
+        """
+        lst = []
+        # lifted from up2date - way to easy and useful NOT to steal - thanks adrian
+        mi = self.ts.dbMatch()
+        if kwargs.has_key('epoch'):
+            del(kwargs['epoch']) # epochs don't work here for None/0/'0' reasons
+        keywords = len(kwargs.keys())
+        for hdr in mi:
+            match = 0
+            for keyword in kwargs.keys():
+                if hdr[keyword] == kwargs[keyword]:
+                    match += 1
+            if match == keywords:
+                lst.append(hdr)
+        del mi
+        return lst
     def returnHeaderByTuple(self, pkgtuple):
         """returns a list of header(s) based on the pkgtuple provided"""
         (n, a, e, v, r) = pkgtuple
         if not self.match_on_index:
-            lst = getHeadersByKeyword(self.ts, name=n, arch=a, epoch=e, version=v, 
+            lst = self.getHeadersByKeyword(name=n, arch=a, epoch=e, version=v, 
             return lst

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