[yum-cvs] yum-utils/plugins/fedorakmod README, NONE, 1.1 fedorakmod.conf, NONE, 1.1 fedorakmod.py, NONE, 1.1

Jack Neely slack at linux.duke.edu
Mon Feb 13 20:21:07 UTC 2006

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum-utils/plugins/fedorakmod
In directory login1.linux.duke.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv23396/fedorakmod

Added Files:
	README fedorakmod.conf fedorakmod.py 
Log Message:
A begining of support for the Fedora Extras kernel module proposal.

Plugin for Yum to handle kernel modules as described by the Fedora Extras
packaging standards.


To Do
   *) Install kernel module for all avaliable kernels
   *) Pin kernel until modules for new kernel are available

Folks, feel free to patch and add suggestions.  It will only help FE kernel
module infrastructure develope faster.

Jack Neely <jjneely at gmail.com> -- 2/13/2006

--- NEW FILE fedorakmod.conf ---
enabled = 1

--- NEW FILE fedorakmod.py ---

# fedorakmod.py - Fedora Extras Yum Kernel Module Support
# Copyright 2006 Jack Neely 
# Written by Jack Neely <jjneely at gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import rpm

from yum import rpmUtils
from yum import packages
from yum.constants import TS_INSTALL
from yum.plugins import TYPE_CORE, PluginYumExit

requires_api_version = '2.2'
plugin_type = (TYPE_CORE,)

kernelProvides = ["kernel-%s" % a for a in rpmUtils.arch.arches.keys()]

def getKernelReqs(hdr):
    reqs = []
    names = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME]
    flags = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS]
    ver =   hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION]
    if names is not None:
        reqs = zip(names, flags, ver)
    return filter(lambda r: r[0] in kernelProvides, reqs)

#def getKernelReqs(po):
#    """Pass in a package header.  This function will return a list of
#       tuples (name, flags, ver) representing any kernel requires."""
#    # ARG! YumInstalledPackage doesn't have the prco interface
#    # YumAvailablePackage doesn't have the tagByName() interface
#    # I cannot make this function generic using the PO non-APIs
#    # reqs = po.returnPrco('requires') # *sigh*
#    reqs = []
#    names = po.tagByName("requirename")
#    flags = po.tagByName("requireflags")
#    ver   = po.tagByName("requireversion")
#    if names is not None:
#        reqs = zip(names, flags, ver)
#    return filter(lambda r: r[0] in kernelProvides, reqs)

def handleKernelModule(c, txmbr):
    """Figure out what special magic needs to be done to install/upgrade
       this kernel module."""

    # XXX: Lets try to fix this up so we don't need RPM header objects

    rpmdb = c.getRpmDB()
    tsInfo = c.getTsInfo()
    moduleHeader = txmbr.po.returnLocalHeader()
    kernelReqs = getKernelReqs(moduleHeader)
    instPkgs = rpmdb.returnTupleByKeyword(name=txmbr.po.name)
    for pkg in instPkgs:
        hdr = rpmdb.returnHeaderByTuple(pkg)[0] # Assume no dup NAEVRs
        po = packages.YumInstalledPackage(hdr)
        instKernelReqs = getKernelReqs(hdr)

        for r in kernelReqs:
            if r in instKernelReqs:
                # we know that an incoming kernel module requires the
                # same kernel as an already installed moulde of the
                # same name.  "Upgrade" this module instead of install
                c.info(2, 'Removing kernel module %s upgraded to %s' %
                       (po, txmbr.po))

def tsCheck(te):
    "Make sure this transaction element is sane."

    if te.ts_state == 'u':
        te.ts_state = 'i'
        te.output_state = TS_INSTALL

def init_hook(c):
    c.info(3, "Loading Fedora Extras kernel module support.")

def postresolve_hook(c):

    for te in c.getTsInfo().getMembers():
        if te.ts_state not in ('i', 'u'):
        if "kernel-module" in te.po.getProvidesNames():
            c.info(4, "Handling kernel module: %s" % te.name)
            handleKernelModule(c, te)

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