[yum-cvs] yum/yum __init__.py,1.136,1.137

Seth Vidal skvidal at login.linux.duke.edu
Tue Oct 18 05:06:55 UTC 2005

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum
In directory login:/tmp/cvs-serv5716

Modified Files:
Log Message:

new selectGroup and deselectGroup methods for handling groups
fix up doGroupSetup to work with the new group interface

Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.136
retrieving revision 1.137
diff -u -r1.136 -r1.137
--- __init__.py	14 Aug 2005 22:39:59 -0000	1.136
+++ __init__.py	18 Oct 2005 05:06:51 -0000	1.137
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 import rpmUtils
 import rpmUtils.updates
 import rpmUtils.arch
-import groups
+import newcomps
 import config
 import repos
 import misc
@@ -311,26 +311,22 @@
         # now we know which repos actually have groups files.
-        self.doRpmDBSetup()
-        pkgtuples = self.rpmdb.getPkgList()
         overwrite = self.conf.getConfigOption('overwrite_groups')
-        self.groupInfo = groups.Groups_Info(pkgtuples, overwrite_groups = overwrite)
+        self.comps = newcomps.Comps(overwrite_groups = overwrite)
         for repo in reposWithGroups:
             self.log(4, 'Adding group file from repository: %s' % repo)
             groupfile = repo.getGroups()
-                self.groupInfo.add(groupfile)
+                self.comps.add(groupfile)
             except Errors.GroupsError, e:
                 self.errorlog(0, 'Failed to add groups file for repository: %s' % repo)
-        if self.groupInfo.compscount == 0:
+        if self.comps.compscount == 0:
             raise Errors.GroupsError, 'No Groups Available in any repository'
-        self.groupInfo.compileGroups()
     def buildTransaction(self):
         """go through the packages in the transaction set, find them in the
@@ -586,7 +582,6 @@
                 return errors
         i = 0
         for po in remote_pkgs:
             i += 1
@@ -1228,6 +1223,83 @@
         return installed, available
+    def groupRemove(self, grpid):
+        """mark all the packages in this group to be removed"""
+        if not self.comps:
+            self.doGroupSetup()
+        if not self.comps.groups.has_key(grpid):
+            raise Errors.GroupsError, "No Group named %s exists" % grpid
+        thisgroup = self.comps.groups[grpid]
+        pkgs = thisgroup.packages
+        for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
+            p = self.rpmdb.installed(name=pkg)
+            for po in p:
+                txmbr = self.tsInfo.addErase(po)
+    def selectGroup(self, grpid):
+        """mark all the packages in the group to be installed"""
+        if not self.comps:
+            self.doGroupSetup()
+        if not self.comps.groups.has_key(grpid):
+            raise Errors.GroupsError, "No Group named %s exists" % grpid
+        thisgroup = self.comps.groups[grpid]
+        if thisgroup.selected:
+            return 
+        thisgroup.selected = True
+        pkgs = thisgroup.mandatory_packages.keys() + thisgroup.default_packages.keys()
+        for pkg in pkgs:
+            try:
+                p = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkg)
+            except repomd.mdErrors.PackageSackError:
+                self.log(4, "no such package %s from group %s" %(pkg, thisgroup))
+                continue
+            thispkg = p[0]
+            txmbr = self.tsInfo.addInstall(thispkg)
+            txmbr.group.append(thisgroup.grpid)
+    def deselectGroup(self, grpid):
+        """de-mark all the packages in the group for install"""
+        if not self.comps:
+            self.doGroupSetup()
+        if not self.comps.groups.has_key(grpid):
+            raise Errors.GroupsError, "No Group named %s exists" % grpid
+        thisgroup = self.comps.groups[grpid]
+        thisgroup.selected = False
+        for pkg in thisgroup.packages:
+            try:
+                p = self.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkg)
+            except repomd.mdErrors.PackageSackError:
+                self.log(4, "no such package %s from group %s" %(pkg, thisgroup))
+                continue
+            thispkg = p[0]
+            txmbrs = self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtuple = thispkg.pkgtup)
+            for txmbr in txmbrs:
+                try: 
+                    txmbr.group.remove(grpid)
+                except ValueError:
+                    self.log(4, "package %s was not marked in group %s" % (thispkg, grpid))
+                    continue
+                # if there aren't any other groups mentioned then remove the pkg
+                if len(txmbr.group) == 0:
+                    self.tsInfo.remove(thispkg.pkgtup)
     def getPackageObject(self, pkgtup):
         """retrieves a packageObject from a pkgtuple - if we need

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