[yum-cvs] yum/yum __init__.py,1.126,1.127

Seth Vidal skvidal at login.linux.duke.edu
Thu Jun 23 04:11:12 UTC 2005

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum
In directory login:/tmp/cvs-serv9707/yum

Modified Files:
Log Message:

change out returnPackageByDep() to use returnPackagesByDep() and
bestPackageFromList() rather than duplicating a lot of simple code

Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/yum/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.126
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -r1.126 -r1.127
--- __init__.py	21 Jun 2005 12:22:27 -0000	1.126
+++ __init__.py	23 Jun 2005 04:11:10 -0000	1.127
@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@
 import depsolve
 import plugins
 from packages import parsePackages, YumLocalPackage, YumInstalledPackage, bestPackage
 from repomd import mdErrors
 from constants import *
+from repomd.packageSack import ListPackageSack
 __version__ = '2.3.3'
@@ -1266,10 +1267,11 @@
             del fo
             return 1
-    def returnPackageByDep(self, depstring):
+    def returnPackagesByDep(self, depstring):
         """Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will 
-           pass back the best(or first) package it finds providing that dep."""
+           pass back the packages it finds providing that dep."""
+        results = []
         # parse the string out
         #  either it is 'dep (some operator) e:v-r'
@@ -1285,65 +1287,51 @@
                     depname, flagsymbol, depver = depstring.split()
                 except ValueError, e:
-                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'No Packages found for %s - have you tried quoting the string?' % depstring
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'Invalid versioned dependency string, try quoting it.'
                 if not SYMBOLFLAGS.has_key(flagsymbol):
-                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'No Packages found for %s' % depstring
+                    raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'Invalid version flag'
                 depflags = SYMBOLFLAGS[flagsymbol]
         sack = self.whatProvides(depname, depflags, depver)
-        if len(sack) < 1:
-            raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'No Packages found for %s' % depstring
-        if len(sack) == 1:
-            for po in sack:
-                return po
+        results = sack.returnPackages()
+        return results
-        pkglist = sack.returnNewestByNameArch()
-        best = pkglist[0]
-        for pkg in pkglist[1:]:
-            if len(pkg.name) < len(best.name): # shortest name silliness
-                best = pkg
-                continue
-            elif len(pkg.name) > len(best.name):
-                continue
-            # compare arch
-            arch = rpmUtils.arch.getBestArchFromList([pkg.arch, best.arch])
-            if arch == pkg.arch:
-                best = pkg
-                continue
+    def returnPackageByDep(self, depstring):
+        """Pass in a generic [build]require string and this function will 
+           pass back the best(or first) package it finds providing that dep."""
+        try:
+            pkglist = self.returnPackagesByDep(depstring)
+        except Errors.YumBaseError, e:
+            raise Errors.YumBaseError, 'No Package found for %s' % depstring
+        return self.bestPackageFromList(pkglist)
-        return best
     def bestPackageFromList(self, pkglist):
         """take list of package objects and return the best package object.
            If the list is empty, raise Errors.YumBaseError"""
-        # duh
         if len(pkglist) == 1:
-            for po in pkglist:
-                return po
+            return pkglist[0]
+        mysack = ListPackageSack() 
+        bestlist = mysack.returnNewestByNameArch() # get rid of all lesser vers
-        best = pkglist[0]
-        for pkg in pkglist[1:]:
+        best = bestlist[0]
+        for pkg in bestlist[1:]:
             if len(pkg.name) < len(best.name): # shortest name silliness
                 best = pkg
             elif len(pkg.name) > len(best.name):
-            else:
-                if pkg.name == best.name:
-                    bestup = bestPackage(pkg.pkgtup, best.pkgtup)
-                    if best.pkgtup == bestup:
-                        continue
-                    elif pkg.pkgtup == bestup:
-                        best = pkg
-                        continue
-                else:
-                    mylist=[best, pkg]
-                    mylist.sort(cmp=self.sortPkgObj) # first name, alphabetically
-                    best = mylist[0]
-                    continue
+            # compare arch
+            arch = rpmUtils.arch.getBestArchFromList([pkg.arch, best.arch])
+            if arch == pkg.arch:
+                best = pkg
+                continue
         return best

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