[yum-cvs] yum/docs yum.conf.5,1.29,1.30

Menno Smits mjs at login.linux.duke.edu
Thu Jun 16 12:23:33 UTC 2005

Update of /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/docs
In directory login:/tmp/cvs-serv2079/docs

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added http_caching option to provide control over http caching headers.
This addresses bug #412

Index: yum.conf.5
RCS file: /home/groups/yum/cvs/yum/docs/yum.conf.5,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -r1.29 -r1.30
--- yum.conf.5	15 Jun 2005 11:49:46 -0000	1.29
+++ yum.conf.5	16 Jun 2005 12:23:31 -0000	1.30
@@ -149,6 +149,21 @@
 servers that support it. This can improve transfer speeds by using one
 connection when downloading multiple files from a repository. Default is `1'.
+.IP \fBhttp_caching\fR
+Determines how upstream HTTP caches are instructed to handle any HTTP downloads
+that Yum does. This option can take the following values:
+`all' means that all HTTP downloads should be cached.
+`packages' means that only RPM package downloads should be cached (but not
+repository metadata downloads).
+`none' means that no HTTP downloads should be cached.
+The default is `all'. This is recommended unless you are experiencing caching
+related issues. Try to at least use `packages' to minimise load on repository
 .IP \fBthrottle \fR
 Enable bandwidth throttling for downloads. This option can be expressed as a
 absolute data rate in bytes/sec. An SI prefix (k, M or G) may be appended to the
@@ -286,6 +301,9 @@
 used with this repository. See the global option in the [main] section above
 for more information.
+.IP \fBhttp_caching\fR
+Overrides the \fBhttp_caching\fR option from the [main] section for this repository.
 .IP \fBretries\fR
 Overrides the \fBretries\fR option from the [main] section for this repository.

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