[Rpm-metadata] Two patches from SUSE

Christoph Thiel cthiel at suse.de
Wed May 16 10:32:59 UTC 2007

On Wed, May 16, 2007 at 10:59:21AM +0100, Paul Nasrat wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-05-16 at 11:25 +0200, Christoph Thiel wrote:
> > Please find a slightly changed createrepo-0.4.8-cachefix.patch attached. I
> > had to add another check for older RPM versions, that behave differently.
> Could you rediff against cvs HEAD, thanks.

Sure, please find the patch attached.

I'v also included a couple of other patches that we are currently using with
our createrepo:

  * missing-tags.patch
    adds support for Enhances, Supplements, Suggests, and Recommends.

  * createrepo-0.4.4-suse-changelogs.patch
    remove stupid leading dash from author on changelog entries.

  * createrepo-0.4.8-cache_utime.patch
    touch cache files that have been used, to be able to cleanup the cache
    after a createrepo run by just looking at the mtime of each file.

  * createrepo-0.4.8-try_sqlitecachec.patch
    make sqlitecachec/yum-metadata-parser a weak dependency (might need
    further work to disable -d option in case sqlitecachec isn't there.)

Christoph Thiel, Tech. Project Management, Research & Development
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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