[Rpm-metadata] Another suggestion

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Thu Jun 3 05:13:21 UTC 2004

>   remember that one of the design goal was to minimize the amount of 
> metadata, if there is redundancy or special needs then they should
> be done as extensions in another namespace.

So far every single repomd.xml file I've made has been exactly 666 bytes
(creepy, huh. :). I'll write in the other data for the uncompressed
files and we'll see where it ends up, I'm betting not too terribly high.

I think I understand Gustavo's request, I'm not certain it's going to
make a big speed difference to store the files uncompressed but if it's
not a huge change in size to store the decompressed info it might come
in handy. I don't think storing much more information is useful, though.


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