[Rpm-metadata] One more bit

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Tue Jul 6 17:26:22 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-06-28 at 14:17, Gustavo Niemeyer wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I'm missing one more bit in the metadata format: "prerequires"
> information.
> My suggestion is to include something like:
> <rpm:requires>
> 	<rpm:entry ... pre="1">
> </rpm:requires>

ok, since I've not heard any 'oh my god it's broken' responses from
folks, I'll assume that the prereq listing is working correctly.

We've saved some space by removing the namespace declaration from each
format tag. so any space we lose in pre="1" is in the noise.

Unless I hear an objection I'm going to bundle up these changes and make
a release. I'd like this to be a near-final release for the first
iteration of this format. 

Gustavo, if you have any more recommendations that will break
compatibility, send them to be this week. I'd like to see about getting
a createrepo rpm into FC3test1 so that, hopefully, the repository format
can be in fc3's release.


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