[Rpm-metadata] xml - first try
Daniel Veillard
veillard at redhat.com
Mon Sep 1 15:06:15 UTC 2003
On Mon, Sep 01, 2003 at 10:43:59AM -0400, seth vidal wrote:
> >
> > yeah rpm tag should be renamed. I actually would find cleaner a full
> > package URL as a mandatory URL="..." attribute on the <package> tag.
> > Splitting the URL can be done elsewhere, extends the format for no good
> > reason, and makes even more likely stupid mistakes.
> > I would also add a <source> tag in it if there is a source URL available
> > for the given package.
> >
> I'm confused, then. How does a client find the rpm if it doesn't know
> where to look?
At the URL given as an attrbute to the package tag.
> ie:
> <rpm-location>http://www.mydomain.org/some/path/full.rpm</rpm-location>
> let's say this is mirrored to some place - how do I know what relative
> path from the metadata I should take to find that rpm?
> Should I take: http://mymirror.org/some/path/full.rpm or just
> http://mymirror.org/path/full.rpm?
There is no way you can solve this problem at that level.
Suppose it's a redhat package. Where do you put the break between what's
the local path from what is the expected mirror tree ? Any place you
make that cut /pub, /pub/redhat, /pub/redhat/linux , you will find a mirror
which just use a different one, heck I'm pretty sure I can find
people who only mirror /pub/redhat/linux/current !
That metadata is a package metadata, let's not mix everything, I agree
there is also a need to set up a mirroring metadata infrastructure, but
a half baked solution duplicated in all the package metadata is really
not an answer IMHO :-) [*]
[*] Check http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/mirrors.php if you want to be scared
Daniel Veillard | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard at redhat.com | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
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