[Rpm-metadata] xml update

Jeff Johnson n3npq at nc.rr.com
Thu Oct 16 19:25:41 UTC 2003

seth vidal wrote:

>>I can/will make this data magically (and configurably) appear from
>>existing apt-rpm files using a header extension. From an rpm-python
>>point of view, this is just another tag, so common metadata can
>>be entirely automated, streamlining maintenance.
>fine - that doesn't matter to me all that much - my concern is we have
>packages right here today that need this. I'd like to have this metadata
>defined - at least for ver 1 before FC2 is released.

Then you better get your RFE for adding header extensions for P/E/S/R 
tags mapped
onto existing apt-rpm files today. All I need is someone to blame for 
the request, I
can/will have an implementation for you in Fedora by, say, Monday.

>>Yes, existence must be optional, with well defined default value if/when 
>>and permission to totally ignore the value until reliable 
>>implementations exist.
>great. Then let's start listing mandatory and optional 'common' fields
>and defining this specification more.

There's also a need to stand back and look with jaundiced eye exactly 
what has been
suggested today. Bloat is like waist size, once you achieve, say, 36", 
you can never ever
fit into 32" pants again.

73 de Jeff

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