[Rpm-metadata] xml update

Jeff Johnson n3npq at nc.rr.com
Thu Oct 16 16:19:36 UTC 2003

Jeff Johnson wrote:

> Daniel Veillard wrote:
>>    - it's a bit of a shame that the provides and requires really
>>      can't be shared, but well maybe that reflect the differences
>>      in semantic of both formats :-\
> Yes, a shame. I know of no reason why these can't be shared, but 
> perhaps I've
> overlooked some message in the spew of Fedora mail.

Perhaps I miss something, but I sure can't see the reasoning in the archives
why Provides: and Requires: (which is Depends: for *.deb) cannot be unified.

> I'd also suggest (again) unifying name with version in entry so that
>     <entry name="rpm" flags="GE">
>        <version epoch="0" ver="4.1.1"/>
>     </entry>
> becomes
>    <entry name="rpm" flags="GE"  epoch="0" ver="4.1.1"/>

After refreshing my memory by rereading the larchives, I remember the 
discussions of dependency
alternation that migh affect this suggestion. Can we get an explicit 
example of an "or" relation
in XML somehow.

Seth: Try XML for a package like initscripts, with multiple triggers. 
While most dependencies
in rpm are implictly &&, triggers are implicitly ||. While that detail 
(and triggers themselves)
might remain hidden in the semantic details of packaging, that is a 
place within *.rpm where
a reasonable example for || syntax might be attempted.

> as an EVR always has an N associated. If written that way, an entry 
> could be used
> for the package NEVR as well as other uses. All but name and ver 
> optional,
> default to
>    flags="EQ"
>    epoch="0"
>    release="0"

\73 de Jeff

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