[Rpm-metadata] two other areas needed

seth vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Wed Oct 15 05:07:02 UTC 2003

> Probably doesn't matter... I would think in the common data file, but
> we're going to have to do 2 passes (one for the common data, one for the
> dep info) and maybe 3 if we want to do changelogs (which seems to be the
> feature request du jour in RC), so either is fine.

join the club, there.

> I like the extensibility of XML, so my feeling is that we don't lock
> down the format.  If we do that, though, everyone's parsers will need to
> handle tags and namespaces other than ones it's expecting, anyway. 

why not just make anything that isn't defined in the specification we
come up with here be ignored.

that way anything you can't deal with can be dropped.

I figured the whole point of this was to define a baseline that everyone
can use to get 'enough' information from.


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