[Rpm-metadata] metadata script and sample

John R. Daily jdaily at progeny.com
Sat Oct 4 04:52:15 UTC 2003

At (time_t)1065241052 seth vidal wrote:

> > Could the following fields be punted into an RPM specific namespace?
> > license
> Do debian packages not list the license?


> > vendor 
> an optional field even in rpms.

There is an "origin" header, rarely used in Debian, that I would assume
has similar semantics.  This might as well stay.

> > BuildHost (presumably you meant build-host?)
> no - I think I meant buildhost - the system it was built on.

I'd suggest we leave that in the common namespace, as long as it's
optional; there's no reason Debian couldn't provide that for auto-built

> > url
> does debian not store a general url for the package?

Debian actually does have a url header, which like origin is rarely used.
This one probably should stay.

John R. Daily                                        jdaily at progeny.com
Director of Technology                            Progeny Linux Systems
                    Master of the ephemeral epiphany

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