[Yum-devel] API question: reset all repos

Jack Neely jjneely at ncsu.edu
Wed Jan 11 17:42:32 UTC 2012

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 09:28:20AM -0500, Zdenek Pavlas wrote:
> > So, every time I get to the install packages method I'd like to make
> > sure Yum knows about any repos that may have been potentially
> > added...or taken away.
> Creating a new YumBase instance is the safest bet,
> but you may also try the following.
> 'del b.repos' throw all repos away, and reinits
> b._repos to an empty, uninitialized repo storage.
> 'b.prerepoconf' instructs the getter for self.repos
> to run getReposFromConfig() and do some initialization.
> >>> import yum
> >>> b = yum.YumBase()

Yeah, this works like a champ.

> >>> del b.repos 
> >>> b.prerepoconf = yum._YumPreRepoConf()

However, this does not.  I get the familiar "No package(s) available to
install" and "Problem in reinstall: no package foobar matched to
install."  So something isn't getting reloaded here.


Jack Neely <jjneely at ncsu.edu>
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
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