[Yum-devel] [UG] urlgrabber & unsupported REST FTP command

Francois Petillon fantec at proxad.net
Wed Jul 2 14:33:33 UTC 2008


In file byterange.py class ftpwrapper, urlgrabber use REST command and 
check return code to find out if the command is supported :
except ftplib.error_perm, reason:
     if str(reason)[:3] == '501':
         # workaround for REST not supported error
         fp, retrlen = self.retrfile(file, type)
         fp = RangeableFileObject(fp, (rest,''))
         return (fp, retrlen)
     elif str(reason)[:3] != '550':
         raise IOError, ('ftp error', reason), sys.exc_info()[2]

But the RFC 640 (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc640.html) gives 500, 501, 
502, 421, 530 & 350 as possible return code. In these, the first three 
50x may apply for an unsupported/disabled REST command :
- 500  Syntax error, command unrecognized
        [This may include errors such as command line too
- 501  Syntax error in parameters or arguments
- 502  Command not implemented

As far as I am concerned, I would accept any 50x result to use REST-less 
download :
        5yz   Permanent Negative Completion reply

           The command was not accepted and the requested action did
           not take place.  The User-process is discouraged from
           repeating the exact request (in the same sequence).  Even
           some "permanent" error conditions can be corrected, so the
           human user may want to direct his User-process to
           reinitiate the command sequence by direct action at some
           point in the future (e.g. after the spelling has been
           changed, or the user has altered his directory status.)
        x0z   Syntax - These replies refer to syntax errors,
           syntactically correct  commands that don't fit any
           functional category, unimplemented or superfluous


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